Sunday 18 December 2011


Javanesse Trenggiling / Pangolin
About the Trenggiling

Pangolin was found by Desmarest in 1822 gave the name of Sweet, Sweet full javanica scaly anteaters are mammals that live only in Indonesia. Member nations and tribes Manidae Pholidota this is one animal that is protected, because the population of anteaters are increasingly reduced from time to time. He became endangered because of the people of Southeast Asia it is also eaten. Reportedly pangolin meat tastes similar to the small size of duck meat. But the main cause of extinction is habitat destruction anteaters. Forest spent in Southeast Asia, India and Africa which mainly causes the animal is on the list of those that should be preserved.
• Body anteater larger than a cat. Short legs with long, heavy tail.
• What is unique is his scaly tiles arranged like a house, partially cover each other. Scales of skin that bulge out of the epidermis. Scales on the back and outer legs light brown.
• The abdomen, inner limbs, throat and head parts are not covered with scales, but covered with feathers
• Animals do not have a hairy little teeth.
• anteater has a long tongue and webbed lenders. Panhandle long tongue can reach half the length of the body.
• Head conical, small eyes, so is the outer ear.
• strong and short legs complete with claws. Claw fingers really digging claws.
• anteater who lives in the soil has a strong muscular tail. Its length is about equal to the whole body and scaly. Pangolins that live in trees have a longer tail than his body. At the tail end of it there is a bald part. The tail is used as an arm to hold onto when climbing trees.
• anteater found on the island of Java, Sumatra has a head length 50-60 cm, tail length 50-80 cm, with amber color scales to blackish brown and white colored somewhat.
The types of anteaters
• Indian pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) is located in India and Sri Lanka
• Chinese pangolin (M. pentadactyla) located in Southern Taiwan and the PRC
• The tree pangolin (M. tricuspis)
• long-tailed pangolin (M. tetradactyla)
• The giant anteater (M.gigantea) and Temmick pangolin (M. Temmicki) found in Africa
• Java pangolin (M. javanica) is located in Peninsular Malaysia, Burma, Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) and the islands of Sumatra, Borneo and Java.
The main food animals are ants and termites. His tongue used to lick his quarry. Ants and termites will be attached to the tongue anteaters thanks to his saliva. In the chest there armadillo salivary gland is very large. These glands produce a fluid that can glue the insects.
Behavior in nature

The study was aimed to acquire data on the morphology and morphometry of the female reproductive organs of the Malayan pangolin and to identify characteristic of follicular development and distribution of carbohydrates in the follicle of the ovary. The female reproductive organs were the resource persons observed macroscopically and Their histological characteristic were the resource persons investigated by the General histological procedures. The division of follicular development performed based on the shapes and layers of granulosa cells in follicles, the tickness of zona pellucida, and the present of antrum folliculi. The identification of acid and neutral carbohydrates distribution in the follicle was performed using alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5 and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) staining respectively. The collected datas were the resource persons analyzed descriptively. The result of the study showed That Bicornuate Malayan pangolins have a uterus. Their devided mucosa of the cervix into primary, secondary and tertiary folds. Both ovaries have ovoid / ellipsoidal in shape and Their medulla filled with the large amount of interstitial secretory cells. Follicular development in the ovary is devided into 10 stages. Is primordial follicle stages 1-2, stages 3-4 is a primary follicle, secondary follicle stages is 5-7, and 8-10 is tertiary follicle stages. The amount of developed follicles in the left ovary is higher than in the righ ovary. Acid carbohydrate begin to Appear in zone pelucida of follicle type 5 and the neutral carbohydrate Begin to Appear in extracelluler matrix of type 4 follicle with the very low intensity of positive reaction.

Pangolin is one of the unique mammals are protected. There are eight species of pangolin in the world are scattered in the forests of tropical Asia and tropical to subtropical regions of Africa. Java pangolin (Manis javanica) is a type that can be found in Indonesia. Distribution of Java in Indonesia is the anteater include the island of Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Bali and several small islands around it. The existence of Java pangolins in the wild has decreased due to hunting and habitat destruction that anteaters Java included in the list of animals threatened with extinction (endangered species) and Appendix II class. Extinction risk of high Javanese pangolins can be supported also by the ability of reproduction which can only produce 1-2 kids in a single period of pregnancy. One of the conservation efforts that can be done to preserve the type of anteater Java is to enhance the understanding of female reproductive organs, especially in the Java armadillo ovary.
 Research conducted on the morphology and morphometry as well as the microscopic picture of the ovaries (n = 4), and reproductive tract consisting of the uterine tubes, kornua uteri, corpus uteri, cervix uteri, vagina (n = 2); characteristics in ovarian follicle development, and distribution of carbohydrates the development of the ovary. Ovaries and ducts were fixed with Bouin solution and processed according to standard histological preparations making. Preparations stained with haematoxylin eosin staining and Masson's trichome to observe the microscopic picture of the reproductive organs in general, and alcian blue staining (AB) pH 2.5 to detect the presence of acidic carbohydrates and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) to detect the presence of neutral carbohydrates.
 Calculation of the number of follicles is done by estimation methods, namely by first looking for a multiplier for each type of follicle. Multiplier factor is calculated by summing each type of follicle in 25 serial incision first, then divided by the number of follicles at each multiple of five. Estimated number of follicles at each stage is known from the results of the multiplier with a multiplication factor of the number of follicles at each stage are found in the incision to-1, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 in each ovary.

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